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Saturday, December 15, 2012

When The Sky Is Sad

Hujan malam ini turun begitu deras, dengan kilat sahut menyahut. Tampaknya langit sedang berduka. Mungkin ia ingin meluapkan segenap perasaan yang terpendam selama ini. Dia curahkan air matanya tanpa henti, seakan mencurahkan segala kepedihan yang menghimpit. Dikeluarkannya segala kepahitan yang membebaninya, hingga ia menjadi kelabu.

Aku memandang langit dengan hati teriris. Ya, menangislah langit. Menangislah selagi kau mampu. Menangislah jika itu bisa membuatmu lega. Luapkan segala kegundahanmu. Karena akan lebih sakit lagi apabila kau harus terus memendam kesedihanmu sendirian. Maka akan lebih baik apabila kau ceritakan kesedihanmu lewat derasnya hujan ini. Akan ada hikmah yang bisa diambil dari laramu. Bahwa setiap selesai hujan muncullah pelangi. Bahwa tidak ada kesulitan yang diciptakan tanpa penyelesaian. Bahwa dalam setiap kesakitan pasti ada obat penawar luka.

Percayalah langit, keesokan hari kau akan menemukan dirimu cerah kembali, bercengkerama dengan sang mentari. Dan kau akan mendapati bahwa dalam hidup ini tak ada yang perlu disesali.

Monday, December 3, 2012

After All This Time..

Hey again..

It's been a looooooongggg time ago since the last time I wrote a post here, rite?

Many things happened in the past. Now I'm in the 5th semester. Yeah, 5th semester. It's the mid semester for college students, but for most of us, it's the beginning of the true college life. In this semester we've experienced many difficulties in lessons. However, we must through it rite? For me, college life is like a preparation to face the true world after we graduated, so we must ready to face it :)

Besides college lessons, I got many lessons in the past. People say that the one who you love the most is the one can hurt you the most. Well, I've proved it. I don't know if it is me who is too naive or I'm really a fool, but yeah, it happened. Then I realized, maybe it's a lesson from God so I have to be more careful in my life.

I realize that I must not be disappointed about everything happened in my life. God puts people in our life for a reason, and removes them from our life for a better reason. Sometimes when I confuse of myself and feel blue inside, I just remember that I still have God. God will never give us a stumbling block that can't be through by us. He knows what we need and the best thing for us.

Hope I can be a better person for the world :)