Last night I've watched a movie titled Sky High. That's teenagers movie which producted by Disney, but I enjoy it because this movie is entertain enough. It's told about Will Stronghold, a boy whose parents was Superheroes, and his high school life in Sky High. There was so many great dialogues there, about high school life, friendship, etc. Moreover, as teenagers we have to know how to use 'our power' wisely, how to make a friend, and which friend's the best for us.
Layla: What's embarrasing him in front of the entire class going to prove? That is so unfair.
Will Stronghold: Yeah, well if life were to suddenly get fair, I doubt it would happen in high school.
Principal Powers: In a few moments, you will go through Power Placement and your own heroic journey will begin.
Will Stronghold: Power Placement?
Layla: Sounds fascist.
Ethan: Power Placement. It's how they decide where you go.
Magenta: The hero track or the loser track.
Will Stronghold: There - there's a loser track?
Ethan: I believe the preferred term is "Hero Support."
Will Stronghold: My parents are the greatest superheroes on the planet. Everybody expects greatness from me.
Layla: Well, you are great.
Will Stronghold: Thanks.
OK, so you're a sidekick. It's not the end of the world. When life gives you lemons...
Will Stronghold: Make apple juice?
Layla: I can't make lemons.I don't know what it is.
Will Stronghold: Yeah but see, no, you have an awesome power and you could have made hero easy.
Layla: I'm not into labels.
Will Stronghold:
But why would you choose to be a sidekick?Layla:
Because I think the whole thing is stupid. Dividing people into groups like that.Mr. Medulla: Dreadful technique! You've confused rays with beams! D! Minus! I'd give you an F, but that would only mean having to see you in summer school.
Gwen: Well you've got new friends now. And I think that you need to figure out whether you hang out with us - or with those losers. Come on, let's go.
Will Stronghold: No, forget it! I'm not going anywhere with you. Not now, and not to homecoming. Might as well just find yourself a new date, Gwen.
Gwen: You're dumping me? Whoa whoa, let's just get something straight, ok? *You* do not dump *me*! Not the night before the dance!
Will Stronghold: Sorry Gwen, I, ah, just *did*! You're dumped!
Layla: [after getting punched in the face by Penny]
Big mistake! [Penny backs away slightly and then Layla uses her powers to grow vines in the cafeteria; the vines then grow over Penny and her clones and pull them up in the air]
But I thought you were a sidekick. Layla:
I am a sidekick.Will Stronghold: In the end, my girlfriend became my arch enemy, my arch enemy became my best friend, and my best friend became my girlfriend. But, hey, it's high school.

Well..maybe that have ever happened with you. Nervous in the first day of school, got problems with your friends, broke up with your boy/girlfriend, got detention from your teacher,etc. But that was high school life. So what if you were a loser or an idol in your school? Will it be immortal in your life? Life will be on your side if you work hard. Whatever you’ve ever got in high school, you must get up from the past, learning from your experience and try to be a better person.