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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

5 Reasons Why I Love Kids

Maybe if you have known me in a long time, or some people who close with me,you’ve known that I’m the one person who always happy if I found a funny kid around me. No matter where I am, who’s with me there, or what the kids did, if they were funny or they movements interesting me, at that time I’ll watching the kids and laugh. Sometimes I will yell if I was too excited with some kids. Maybe you think that it’s too much if I always happy when there was funny kids around me, but.. what can I do? I love them,hahaa!

Okaay, you can call me paedophilia or something like that,but..here I am..nyiahahaa :D Moreover,there are some reasons why I love kids ‘til now :

1.It’s habitual for me to have kids around me since i was young. Do you remember when I said that I’m the oldest grandchild in my family? I’m the oldest and this condition have made me as “the only child in the family” for a while, until my oldest cousin was born. I was very happy at that time, I wont be lonely anymore! Finally my cousin move on to Bogor with her parents. But I was happy because my lil brother was born then, continuing with Nunud and Ciput :D


My lil brother Ghulam & Nunud


Hi, what did you see, Ciput?

2.They can refresh my mind. There was the time when I exhausted with all of my activity in school, or stressed out because of the school examination. If I felt like that, I’ll go to my Grandma’s house, which next to my house, then I’ll play with Ciput and Nunud. Sometimes they come to my house too, and they always boost my mood up again with their cuteness. They are still completely innocent!


Nunud with her fairy costume LOL . This photo taken when she was 4 years old

3.They remind me with my childhood. Sometimes as kids, they could do something annoyed, like scribbled down the wall, yelled and cried at their parents because they wanna something, etc. But they always respond happily if their mom come home and brought some gifts for them, ask you to accompanying them if they want to go to the toilet, etc. I’m being sulky for a while if they annoyed me, then I realized that I have ever being one of them in a long time a go

4.Just so you know, it’s guilty pleasure for me when I could make them laugh. When I played with Nunud or Ciput, I always try to make them happy. I often made a funny face at them. They like it, especially Ciput who still 2 years old


My Grandma & Ciput. Look at Ciput's laugh! :D If i'm not wrong, this photo taken when Ciput still 1 years old

5.Indirectly, they taught me how to control my emotion. You must face their naughtiness patiently, try to calm down them when they felt angry or crying, read some story books for them, etc. Although we tired, we have to do it happily for them, and after we do that, it was so happy when look at their smile, or watch them sleep tightly

So, being a-kids-lover isn’t wrong,right? Hehee.. How can I ignored them after all of that? Hehee.. Moreover, there’s the time in the future where we have to keep our child right? Hahahaaa.. nothing wrong if we try to understanding them right now. It’s good if we can match with the kids level, so they can be so close with us :)


  1. huaaaa.... i also love kids!!
    and i will get skinship with ciput!!

  2. NOOOO...
    you wont get it hahaa..

    just be ready with 'power ranger attack' from ciput,okay? ;p

  3. Unyuuu nunud lucu kayak emak peri. . .
